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Digital Recorder ICD-PX240

Digital Recorder ICD-PX240

I just bought this device, it seems OK, but the documentation is poor, and missing some information. The external input socket is described as follows:

- Mic icon on the device - reasonable.

- "Line" elsewhere - strange. "Line" signal is usually the description of higher voltage outputs, suitable for driving large headsets. This would normally over-drive mic inputs, causing distortion.

- "Plug in Power" in the documentation, and on the device. What does it mean? Am I supposed to apply power to it?? It is not mentioned anywhere in the only two documents available - the Quick Start Guide, or the Help Guide. The latter is not a pdf document that can easily be searched, it is like an online document that has a tree structure, requiring entry into specific paths, to see if you can find by continuous searching, exploring all the paths.


Having done some more research, I have to retract my comments. I found there is a list of Menu functions in the Help documents, so that is OK.  My comment about “line in” was incorrect. The “Plug in Power” label is also explained – some microphones need power – these are usable, because the unit supplies the required power.  I’m sure I’m going to be satisfied with this; I need to supply input from an external audio out source, and I have an attenuator for this. I would have been better getting the PX470 model, but no worries now.