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Awful Problem With New Laptop SVE1512M1EW

Awful Problem With New Laptop SVE1512M1EW

Hi i have typed this up many times so i am just going to copy and paste what i have said to sony 4 days ago (No Reply Yet!). so here it goes

Hi i have a major problem with my new laptop, i originally thought this was a faulty laptop, but this is my second one after exchanging my original one which had the same problem. a friend also has this laptop with the same fault.

The fault consists of two actions i do to the laptop one is updating the windows 8 apps and the other is updating windows 8 through windows updates. my computer seems to struggle downloading + installing the windows 8 app updates. sometimes the laptop will download the app updates easily and all will work fine, "UNITL" i reboot my computer. the laptop seems to boot up fine, its after i sign in to windows 8. when i log in and shows me the windows 8 start menu the laptop seems to crash and not let me click on anything. the mouse will move with a 5 second delay between each frame. basically the computer will not respond to anything apart from turning on and off and logging in after boot up. the same crash happens when i update my windows through windows update.

i am very disappointed in this, as i have had problems with VAIO's before. i really like the look, feel and the insides of this laptop to others on the market for the price.

i have tried the recovery feature by pressing the "assist" button several times to try come up with a way round it but the laptop keeps crashing

i bought this laptop from pc world (instore)

hope you can come with a solution


Hope someone can give me some advice or if a future update will resolve this problem

thanks for reading


Hi Alistaire,

I took the rather drastic measure of downloading all the drivers from the Sony SVE1512M1EW site and then I formated the hard drive and loaded a legal full version of Windows 8 onto the laptop and installed the drivers. My theory was that without all the rubbish I would never use, I would be able to control what I wanted on the computer. Everything was working really well until I loaded the final drivers for the "Quick Keys"...As soon as that driver was loaded, the computer kept bringing up a screen telling me that the battery was incompatable with the laptop....the only way to get rid of the screen was to press the OK button. This put the laptop into hibernation mode and the pc had to be rebooted again. five mins later, the screen came up again and the whole process began again  and again...Sony, seem to like to "imprision" their customers into keeping the software they provide...A sad reality that when you pay a large sum of money for an excellent laptop, you have no control as to what you are able to put on it...Notice that the site contains no drivers for windows a far more reliable operating system....