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I don't know if I do have a problem, but after having VAIO Update 3 for a while, for other reason, had to do a Recovery - and although I am all there with the usual updates etc.... have been waiting for the VAIO Update 3 to install as the next logical step and it has not. Where can I get it from? Anyone Please?
ps Had a look around but cannot seem to find it on support links!
Try looking in C:\Update for the download file SOAVUD.........
If it has downloaded and not installed, try double-clicking on the .exe file.
If it is not in C:\Update then it should offer it to you at Vaio Update - or have you lost the old Vaio Update 2?
Hi there & thanks for your response!
Do not have the VU3 in my Update files and yes still have VU2 in All Programs! It is not a downloadable option for me on and at moment displays about 22 Intel WLAN updates Status= Downloaded on 21 and Status =Installed on one, which appeared this way after install of Lan and not before!
This problem happend in past and corrected itself after a couple of hours, but not this time and has been like this for a couple of weeks!
ps Can I pinch VU3 folder fom my Hubby Dubby's VAIO & place in my update; or am I being simple in suggesting this may work?
Hi, am i missing something. What is VAIO UPDATE 3?.
I have the same problem as VAIOWOMAN1 (21 wlan updates).
If i click the VU3.0 link, i get the message "HTTP 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR".
I get the usual message first about opening up in my trusted sites and click ok then:
HTTP 500
Most likely causes:
The website is under maintenance.
The website has a programming error.
When I refrsh:
This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.
For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
Can I pinch VU3 folder fom my Hubby Dubby's VAIO & place in my update; or am I being simplein suggesting this may work?
Yes he has in C:\update folder of his VGN-A517S
I can't see any reason why it should not install onto your vaio, if you copy the folder from your hubbys vaio to the C:\update on your Vaio and run the exe it should install ok...
Pinching from "Hubby Dubby" worked a treat! Thank You!
!rose.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=rose|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=rose.gif!
And all looks as it should! !tongue.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=tongue|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=tongue.gif!