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I don't know if I do have a problem, but after having VAIO Update 3 for a while, for other reason, had to do a Recovery - and although I am all there with the usual updates etc.... have been waiting for the VAIO Update 3 to install as the next logical step and it has not. Where can I get it from? Anyone Please?
ps Had a look around but cannot seem to find it on support links!
Hi spirosg,
If that does not work, goto the C:/Update folder and open the SOAVUD-01373802-UN file, then click the SOAVUD-01373802-UN.exe file..
This should install Vaio Update 3...
I have only this file SOAVUD-01451800-UN for vaio update 3 not the one you mention
!rose.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=rose|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=rose.gif! Hello, this may work!
On my pals laptop V3 Update would not install! I closed and exited all open & running programs including VAIO Launcher! I went to C://Update and found the old V2 Update, clicked on to the installer and it then un-installed the old one! Then found V3 Update in C://Update and installed and wallah it worked! Worth a try! Yes? No? Any Experts! Oh and yes it did work on my Pals!!PS First you must check to make sure V3 Update is in your C://Update of course!
VAIO! Such a mystery! !hypnotized.gif|___jive_emoticon_name=hypnotized|jivemacro=emoticon|class=jive_macro jive_emote|src=hypnotized.gif!
Forgot to say: Before I uninstalled the old V2Update I went to Start, All Programs and then to VAIO Update Options and unchecked the box for automatic updates!