Share your experience!
a dead link to register for 'e-support', annoying hold music, nobody answering the phones and a total failure to collect my piece of <profanity removed by moderator> s1xp for the SECOND time to fix its pathetically crap screen.
buy a vaio? I recommend you buy an etch a sketch. at least they work.
Dear Cliffski,
I will leave this threat in here as an example of how NOT to post.
Please be advised that these kind of threads will be deleted ion the future - Not because you criticise the VAIO service, but:
1. The langue You use is absolutely inappropriate for any public place. Takling like this will kick you out of any club or at least will shut you up for a while - BTW also offline
2. Please step back: the guys you are talking to are ALL vaio users NONE of them is responsible for your support case. File a compliant there!
3. Non-qualified comments are not desired in here: Please post things that people can reply to (other than a sorry) or do not post at all.
Please keep this in mind when continuing using the club!
Thank you
Nicely put 'number one'
If your S series notebook is that s**t you can send it to me
Well said CU
nice one CU,
as your visting, how come we cant have sticky posts and a search function?
as your visting, how come we cant have sticky posts and a search function?
Lmao smooth nick, smooth.
Lmao smooth nick, smooth.
Yeah all they need to do is enable stickies.
Actually search was available on the original version as well. Someone mentioned that it's not compatible with the type of server/pages they are using or something.....JSP? Anyway incompatible or not they could have got it done ages ago.