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VAIO AR31M Problems after sleep mode


VAIO AR31M Problems after sleep mode

Hi I recently obtained a vaio ar31m laptop, but i have multiple issues when recovering from sleep mode

- the motioneye (webcam) can't be used, is reported as being in use by another application
- the wireless network does not always reconnect, the driver sometimes reports to be not working
- the bluetooth stack / hardware seems not to work, my sony bluetooth mouse cant connect until after a reboot

Does anyone else also have problems on these areas, can anyone help?

I have never had to reset a computer this many times since xp


Hi carter040

This appears to be a known Vista problem.

There is a Microsoft HOTFIX KB929734 which mayaddress some of your problems.

If you want to try it, you can download it from HERE



Hi, thanks for the info...

Tried the hotfix, looked at some other related hotfixes (i.e. there is one for bluetooth problems )

but applying both these hotfixes did not make any difference :slight_frown:

Is there anything else I can do to get myself a nice and stable laptop? (thinking about XP Pro, see other thread, but failing to get all drivers working as till now, see )

Any ideas?

Yours sincerely,


As mentioned in one of my other threads (installing xp on the AR31M)

an update for the bios was available for the AR31M, which would solve some of the issues after sleep mode.

After installing this bios upgrade, the issues are still not solved.

I think I will start bothering sony support directly...

Any other idea's? Anyone?


I'm having the same problem with the bluetooth after sleep mode. It's annoying, as my printer is connected via bluetooth. I find switching it off then on at the front switch resolves the problem, but is there a proper fix for this yet?