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TX3 bad keyboard


TX3 bad keyboard

Hi everyone, I'm new here 🙂

I love this machine. I would like to begin with all the wonders of the Vaio TX3XP/B . But I won't because I'm badly frustrated: my keyboard is bended! :cry:

So bended that when I close the notebook, the keys touch the screen and some marks appear on it. I can even read the letters! It's like if they tried to pack too much stuff in this small box and the keyboard is about to pop off.

View photo here.

This TX3 is brand new, bought in France since less than one month. Of course I sent it back to Vaio Link. They called me and that went like:

- Your Vaio is not damaged. It's factory made like that. We can't do nothing about that.
- But... is that a feature or a problem.
- [laughting] Well it's a problem!
- [not laughting at all] So if it's a problem, this problem needs to be fixed. I want my Vaio back with a correct keyboard!

Some days later I got the TX3 back, still bended, still touching the screen when I close it.

I called back immediatly. And that's where it begins to be really unbeliveable: they want me to prove that my TX3 is not normal and that some TX3 exists with a straight keyboard. So I have to take a photo of mine and one from another and show them that not all TX3 are broken! If so, they *may* proceed to an exchange.

I know this issue exists on more than just mine: we bought two units at the same time and they both have bended keyboards. But the other is less bended so it does not seem to be in contact with the display when closed. Even if they sold hundreds of those broken TX3, they have to recall them!

Hey this a 2500€ notebook! How can Sony even think of selling such badly finished products? I'm really angry. I want Sony to fix my TX3 or give me a new one as soon as possible. :zipper_mouth:


I'm not sure why your were not contacted jmetillon.. :thinking:

What I'm sure is that they managed to not handle the issue long enough so my warranty is finished.

And now my computer has lost much of its value because of the screen damaged by the bended keyboard and the poor quality painting.

Also I had to replace the battery, which dear Sony sells 200 EUR, so I bought a Chinese copy from eBay for 40 EUR.


LoL yes it's a real veteran.

600 EUR? Well I'm not sentimentally ready to let it go for that price. Bought more than 2500 EUR less than two years ago, I cannot let it go under 1000 EUR. Is it unreasonable?