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TX3 bad keyboard


TX3 bad keyboard

Hi everyone, I'm new here 🙂

I love this machine. I would like to begin with all the wonders of the Vaio TX3XP/B . But I won't because I'm badly frustrated: my keyboard is bended! :cry:

So bended that when I close the notebook, the keys touch the screen and some marks appear on it. I can even read the letters! It's like if they tried to pack too much stuff in this small box and the keyboard is about to pop off.

View photo here.

This TX3 is brand new, bought in France since less than one month. Of course I sent it back to Vaio Link. They called me and that went like:

- Your Vaio is not damaged. It's factory made like that. We can't do nothing about that.
- But... is that a feature or a problem.
- [laughting] Well it's a problem!
- [not laughting at all] So if it's a problem, this problem needs to be fixed. I want my Vaio back with a correct keyboard!

Some days later I got the TX3 back, still bended, still touching the screen when I close it.

I called back immediatly. And that's where it begins to be really unbeliveable: they want me to prove that my TX3 is not normal and that some TX3 exists with a straight keyboard. So I have to take a photo of mine and one from another and show them that not all TX3 are broken! If so, they *may* proceed to an exchange.

I know this issue exists on more than just mine: we bought two units at the same time and they both have bended keyboards. But the other is less bended so it does not seem to be in contact with the display when closed. Even if they sold hundreds of those broken TX3, they have to recall them!

Hey this a 2500€ notebook! How can Sony even think of selling such badly finished products? I'm really angry. I want Sony to fix my TX3 or give me a new one as soon as possible. :zipper_mouth:


H5 there,

I would appreciate you keep me informed on the matter since my keyboard is slightly bended.


My case is still being "reviewed" or is lost somewhere in archives and they don't care. They just hope I will keep my laptop as is but I won't.

I'm fed up with these guys. How could? A computer at this price? A brand with this prestige?

Also I notice that the TX3 is now emmiting a fan noise...

I have escalated this for you, let us know if you receive a reply please.. :slight_smile:


I have noticed that on a lot of the Sony laptops the keyboards are not completely flat (after looking in shops) mine too is not flat, but it does not touch the screen, perhaps there is a certain amout that is acceptable fon "non flatness" of the keyboard, but with touching the screen they should replace the keyboard as it is damaging the rest of the computer. I would probably advise to call them up and if they still don't try to rectify the problem threaten that you will contact trading standards (I pressume that is the correct people) about the quality of the machine and the failure to correct a defect.



Just thought i should tell you mate, my TX3XP and my dad's now also have this problem.

Sorry mate, but if there all like that there's not much we can do...

You can fix the problem - but not without voiding your warrenty.

....alot of the TX3XP problems are like that. I'm thinking about making a big list of ways you can dramatically improve your TX3XP - if you don't mind voiding the warrenty.

I started on a list of all the problems with the TX3, but ironically my TX crashed before i could save.

Did you just deformed/reformed the plastic case underneath the keyboard? What did you use / How did you do it?


I have escalated this for you, let us know if you receive a reply please.. :)]


Thalamus I wonder what you escalated, because I was not contacted by anyone since your intervention.

Anyway, I went into more and more troubles, to the point of looking for email addresses on Google of every representatives of Sony I could find.

They still say it's normal, and now my screen is definitely damaged I can't clean up the marks made by the keyboard. And of course, my warranty is terminated.

I will never buy again directly from Sony. My precedent Vaio was bought at Darty, and they have a real service and real shop were you can meet real people. They won't insult you with things like "yes this is a problem but you have to deal with it".

Actually, I wonder if I will buy Sony again. I already made my choice in the video game field (bought Nintendo's Wii and DS instead of PS3 and PSP) and mobile field (bought Nokia's N95 8GB instead of Sony Ericsson K850). And for laptops, Apple is growing on me, even if the Vaio TZ is seducing, and I know how i loved the X505. Panasonic R7 is also very interesting...


Hi Samer,

My first name is Jonathan 😉

I don't have any more guarantee as I said in my last message. I was too stupid and took only one year, no extension. So the value is pretty down now.

And the silver paint on the case is very damaged, makes it look very used. And the screen is marked because of the keyboard. And the battery died some weeks ago I had to buy a Chinese copy.

So I don't really know how much I can sell it on the French eBay market.

It's more 3 000 € than 2 500 € here for a top notch TZ. 1 100 € in Dubai? Can I buy at this price from France? Will the guarantee work in France?

From there's no online shop and the only retailer announced for Dubai is Jumbo Electronics, at, which list the TZ17GN (only 1GB RAM) at AED 7 995, or 1 483 € according to


Aktuelles Gebot: EUR 666,66

Wow, is this the computer of the beast? :devil:

Btw, I hope you sell it more than that. At least 1,000 €. If you do, I think I could try to sell my TX3 and get a TZ from Dubai :tongue:

When does the Shopping Festival last?

I think the paint issue is caused by my 8-hours-a-day sweating. And intensive keyboard shortcutting like Alt+Tab. Maybe it's only happening with silver paint.

See picture at You can see the paint is even scratched from the Ctrl and Shift keys, due to my little finger nail. And even on the S and C keys... Too much save (Ctrl+S) and copy (Ctrl+C) :slight_frown:

I noticed from your photos on your eBay auction that your silver paint is also scratched on the Shift key.

Thalamus I wonder what you escalated, because I was not contacted by anyone since your intervention.

I escalated a link to this thread, I'm not sure why your were not contacted jmetillon.. :thinking:


If you want to, you can check my ongoing eBay auction where I am selling my TX2HP:
click here

Das Angebot ist beendet : EUR 865,00

That's 300 to get out of your wallet to update a TX2 + accessories to a TZ + warranty. Pretty good deal imho 🙂


I'm thinking about making a big list of ways you can dramatically improve your TX3XP - if you don't mind voiding the warrenty.

Hey Rush,

Now that my warranty is off, don't you mind telling me your tips?