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TX3 bad keyboard


TX3 bad keyboard

Hi everyone, I'm new here 🙂

I love this machine. I would like to begin with all the wonders of the Vaio TX3XP/B . But I won't because I'm badly frustrated: my keyboard is bended! :cry:

So bended that when I close the notebook, the keys touch the screen and some marks appear on it. I can even read the letters! It's like if they tried to pack too much stuff in this small box and the keyboard is about to pop off.

View photo here.

This TX3 is brand new, bought in France since less than one month. Of course I sent it back to Vaio Link. They called me and that went like:

- Your Vaio is not damaged. It's factory made like that. We can't do nothing about that.
- But... is that a feature or a problem.
- [laughting] Well it's a problem!
- [not laughting at all] So if it's a problem, this problem needs to be fixed. I want my Vaio back with a correct keyboard!

Some days later I got the TX3 back, still bended, still touching the screen when I close it.

I called back immediatly. And that's where it begins to be really unbeliveable: they want me to prove that my TX3 is not normal and that some TX3 exists with a straight keyboard. So I have to take a photo of mine and one from another and show them that not all TX3 are broken! If so, they *may* proceed to an exchange.

I know this issue exists on more than just mine: we bought two units at the same time and they both have bended keyboards. But the other is less bended so it does not seem to be in contact with the display when closed. Even if they sold hundreds of those broken TX3, they have to recall them!

Hey this a 2500€ notebook! How can Sony even think of selling such badly finished products? I'm really angry. I want Sony to fix my TX3 or give me a new one as soon as possible. :zipper_mouth:


Hey mate,

I also have a TX3XP /L - and my keyboard is straight... least i think so. I never checked :tongue:

I certianly don't get letters on my screen.

To make you feel better however, i do have an awfull pink stain on the back of my lid. Sony said the same thing to me - if you can find one which doesn't have it we'll think about it.

I sent them photos, they've called me.... and basically nothing has happened since then.
I still have a laptop with a stained lid, and sony style still tell me it's a 'feature'.


I would also advise going back to the vendor you purchased the laptop from. Also if you are not getting the standard of customer service you expect ask for the persons name and then ask to speak to the manager. The problem you are experienceing does not sound like an acceptable fault/glitch with a machine (like defective pixels, although i thinkthey should be a fault just for one too). You really need to push, and if you really push at the vendor they are probably easier to crack if you can talk to them in person and be able to demonstrate the problem. Don't stand for shoddy craftmanship, this sounds like a problem which will deffinately be detrimental to your machine in the future if the keys hit the screen. If a slight "bend" in the keyboard is classed as acceptable by Sony, I'm sure the keys touching the screen will not be. If you really struggle you should try writting to a director or a very senior person of sony europe or representative for Sony for your country.

I sent them photos, they've called me.... and basically nothing has happened since then. 
I still have a laptop with a stained lid, and sony style still tell me it's a 'feature'.

That's unreasonable, it shouldn't be pink imho


Just thought i should tell you mate, my TX3XP and my dad's now also have this problem.

Sorry mate, but if there all like that there's not much we can do...

You can fix the problem - but not without voiding your warrenty.

....alot of the TX3XP problems are like that. I'm thinking about making a big list of ways you can dramatically improve your TX3XP - if you don't mind voiding the warrenty.

I started on a list of all the problems with the TX3, but ironically my TX crashed before i could save.


Hi Rush,

Damn! Your message looks like a caricature. I think our issues have come to a point where it's so unbelievable that... they don't believe us!

And that's maybe why they want us to prove it! But, didn't they get my computer in there hands for two weeks? Why didn't they compare it at this time, or took photos themselves? I think this photo thing is just a way to fill the gap left by their ignorance and indifference.

Anyway I can't tell what are all these problems with your TX3XPs. For me this is just this keyboard thing. And this is becoming really frustrating!

How can this be? Isn't Sony Vaio a luxury brand, representing the top quality in personal computing? Why can't I have a luxury top quality customer service too? Really, I think they should subcontract their CRM to Dell.

Since my post on August 7th, I'm still waiting for an answer from Vaio Link. As apierc1 advised I came back to my reseller: I asked them to take a shot of a proper TX3XP as I was not able to find one in the stores near from me. But they don't have one in stock.

Finally they accepted to advocate my case to Sony. They sent an email, and Ms. BOUDHI Laila from Sony France called back on October 13th.

On October 20th, the case was transmitted to M. EVENE Christian.

On November 2nd, someone called my reseller to tell them he will call back tomorrow.
He never called back.

It's November 10th and I still don't know what's going on. It's now been FIVE MONTHS and Sony still don't care to fix/replace the broken products they sold us for $7000.


Just a note on "There's not much you can do" now although certain problems are accepted such as up to x amount of deffective pixels, an issue such as a bent keyboard is not an acceptable defect, it is not simply a characteristic of the certain model, it is a case of a faulty batch of keyboards or shoddy manufacturing. Keep on at Sony and I'm sure you will get the problem sorted, just make it clear with out being agressive that you will not accept this defect and you could try contacting Trading Standards (or some similar agency) about your dissatisfaction of the product and the appropriate course of action you should take.



I understand so good how are you feeling now!! It's incredible that we pay 2500-2800 Euros to buy a notebook damaged or defective and we have to pay to repair it or we have to hold it damaged and MAC customers pay 1500 (maximum) to buy a notebook that would be substituted for every defective component it has!!

I've so much anger...i'd like to crash some Vaio-Link agent's head :devil:


Hi I bought the TX2HP for 2200 Euro and is has also a bended keyboard, but it is not touching the screen. It really seems that they wanted to squeeze all this things in a small box that wont fit.  :smileygrin: 

That's what Sony customer service said when they received my TX3.

But people this is one reason not to buy at SONY directly buy at dealers, if there is any problem they will give you a new notebook without any discussions.

So, true. That's what I said here.



My case is still being "reviewed" or is lost somewhere in archives and they don't care. They just hope I will keep my laptop as is but I won't.

I'm fed up with these guys. How could? A computer at this price? A brand with this prestige?

Also I notice that the TX3 is now emmiting a fan noise...