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[solved] sz1xp - 'system' (*not* idle) process uses all my cpu?


[solved] sz1xp - 'system' (*not* idle) process uses all my cpu?


this issue has been solved by downgrading my bios to R0062N0.

hi there.

i've tried both a clean install and a recovery with my vaio sz1xp,
but for some reason the 'system' process (no extension, so at
least it's not a trojan/spyware) uses almost all cpu.

other processes do not seem to cause problems and safe mode
does not seem to have this problem either.

i'm not sure what to enable, install or disable anymore; i've
been messing with this for three days now. i ran memtest86 to
verify that my memory wasn't addle.. i mean broken, but that
was not the case.

i'll keep messing with this, but suggestions would be very much
appreciated. perhaps i've missed something.


Good to hear that it seems that your problem may be resolved. Sounds to me that the BIOS that your system came with has caused problems and Sony have rolled back to a previous version.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Thats great news


thanks for your time and replies. my issue was solved by downgrading
my bios to the only one available from sony - R0062N0.

i had R0063N0, and apparently sony knows there's something wrong
with it as well, as it's not available on their site.

+1 to the sony support team - they suggested i update my bios (sure,
it was a downgrade.. but it was either downgrade the bios or send my
system to them to have it repaired - not an option i'd prefer).

my system actually boots a lot faster now too, from 3+ minutes to un-
der one minute. furthermore, the system is more responsive too.

ps. yes, the above was a pasted reply. i had brought up my issue
elsewhere and wanted to post a consistent ending to this tale of

but here's a bit just for everyone who took the time to read and post
in this thread:

thanks guys and/or girls, you were very patient with me and you
stayed professional throughout the ordeal, even though a solu-
tion wasn't readily available.

i'll be around for sure :wink: