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s5xp bios udate and usb boot???


s5xp bios udate and usb boot???

hi all.

Had previously posted a question about booting from memory stick- thanks to all those who replied- Given that i cant i assumed that virtually all newer machines allowed booting from usb (sticks) instead. Err.. Cannot find the option in bios though.

Thought that perhaps a bios upgrade might be in order. Apparently the latest bios is R0103V0 (dated 11/14/2005 3:28:18 PM on the sony site)- according to Rom Bios Explorer i have this version but dated 11/08/2005 ?????

is the date on the site the posting date rather than the bios release date???

Does any one know of a hacked bios that will allow usb booting? or must i stick to carrying live cds arround with me?

sorry if this has been covered before- forum search results came back with nothing- so often infact that i'm not sure it works.

cheers Daryl


according to the (well hidden) FAQ you can soot from the sony usb floppy??

Yes, that's right Daryl, you can only boot from a Sony floppy drive, which is crazy imho.