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Problems from doin a Recovery VGN-N21M

Problems from doin a Recovery VGN-N21M

Can any of you experts with the following problems which have arrisen since doing a Recvovery
1 How do I stop the request for me to register my vaio each time I sign on?
2 Club vaio keeps attempting to start but never signs in,from memory I believe there ia a fix to correct this?
3 I am still having problems creating a Back Up disc, some times it does this but next time it will not accept the same disc asking me to insert a new disc, I am using Verbatum CD-R 700 MB
Any help would be very much appreciated.


Hi Carl

Can any of you experts with the following problems which have arrisen since doing a Recvovery
1 How do I stop the request for me to register my vaio each time I sign on?

You should be able to stop the registration pop-up from starting by going to start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Scheduled Tasks..

In task scheduler you should have three windows, Overview of Task Scheduler, then below this Task Status and finally at the bottom Active tasks..

In task scheduler go to the bottom section of the centre column (called active tasks)

Double click the task you wish to stop (MCVRegistrationReminder1) and in the new window select delete...

Note: there may be more than 1 reminder in the task list..
2 Club vaio keeps attempting to start but never signs in,from memory I believe there ia a fix to correct this?

Sony have released a My Club VAIO patch that should resolve this problem, see here

3 I am still having problems creating a Back Up disc, some times it does this but next time it will not accept the same disc asking me to insert a new disc, I am using Verbatum CD-R 700 MB
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Have you tried creating the disc's with DVD's, TDK or Verbatim DVD +R seem to be reliable.?

Thank you very much for your help I have done what you said on first two, will try the discs you suggest. I have another query I keep gett a de bug error message how do I cure that Regards Carl

Thank you very much for your help I have done what you said on first two

You're welcome Carl.. :slight_smile:

I have another query I keep gett a de bug error message

When do you get the debug message?

What does it say?