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My VGN-FE41Z hangs after I got logged to Vista connected to my Dockingstation


My VGN-FE41Z hangs after I got logged to Vista connected to my Dockingstation

hi all,

I´m a "happy" owner of the Vaio VGN-Fe41Z and Dockingstation VGP-PRFE1.
But now im disappointed :slight_frown: because I do have a big issue:

When my Vaio is placed on the Dockingstation and I turn on the Vaio, it hangs after i logged in to Vista. I do not get any error-messages.

When the Vaio is not connected to the Dockingstation, I can start and use the Vaio as normal without any errors.
Once the Vaio is started I also able to connected to the Dockingstation and to use the dockingsation plugged Equipment (TFT-Monitor, Scanner, Printer).

I allready updated my Vaio with the last BIOS-version and this version is also shown in the Bios. Also I unplugged the Equipent from the Dockingstation; but I still have this issue.

Who does have the same problem or is able to help me out.

Thanks a lot!!!
kind regards,


Hi Patrick,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

When your Vaio is sat in the docking station is your docking station plugged in and switched on or are you booting your Vaio from battery..?


Hi Thalamus,

the Dockingstation is con´nected with the AC Adapter and switched on.

Comment: everything works fine, when I booting my Vaio without the Dockingstation and connected to the Dockingstation, when the bootprocess of the Vaio is done.