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Upgrade Vista Blue Screen - VGN-AR21M


Upgrade Vista Blue Screen - VGN-AR21M

Hi guys,

Sorry if this has already been posted previously (I searched the forum and couldn't find a similar post).

I have a VGN-AR21M and my Vista upgrade disks arrived today, and I began to install it. I chose 'Upgrade' so that I could keep my files, but when it gets passed me accepting the licence agreement it blue screens on me and my laptop restarts.

I haven't tried the other install option as I want to keep all my files.

Any idea on a fix? Or if I have to use the other option?



yEah that happened to me installing XP 64 bit on a desktop. I reset the cmos and cleaned the disk and that worked but alas you cannot on yur shiny lappie. All I can suggest is take the battery out for ten minutes and power off completely and try again otherwise your motherboard is being a mother. Can the bus be reset with the lappie Rich Thalamus anyone????


Gah, piddle. I've only had the lappie 4 months! Just to be clear, if I did select 'Clean Install' I would lose absolutely everything currently on here, correct?

I had a BSOD Loop Of Death when I tried upgrading instead of doing a clean install.

Do you have C: AND 😧 drives?

If you do, back everything up on to the 😧 drive then when you start installing the upgrade, you only need to format the C: drive and when you install Vista onto the C: drive everything on the 😧 drive will be safe. At least that's the theory. I'd back everything up onto an external drive just to be on the safe side.

The Sony Express Upgrade discs only support a clean install - is that not made clear in the instructions?

Sony will only fully support your Vaio during its warranty period running Vista if you have used the Express Upgrade discs and completed a clean install.



here my great words of advice FORGET INSTALLING VISTA, u will waste valuable time and it is slow and many things arnt compatible e.g. my game hax lol :slight_smile: and ull regret spending time begging for drivers e.c.t.
i got my laptop with vista pre installed, 2GHZ dual core with 2GB RAM (667MHZ) and 200GB hard drive and running on vista make it feel like a 5 year old computer on XP


Cheers for all your help guys!! Nope, it shows you how to do a clean install in the manual, but then the disk also tells you how to keep your files by doing an upgrade (which doesn't work!)

I had a BSOD Loop Of Death when I tried upgrading instead of doing a clean install.

Do you have C: AND 😧 drives?

If you do, back everything up on to the 😧 drive then when you start installing the upgrade, you only need to format the C: drive and when you install Vista onto the C: drive everything on the 😧 drive will be safe. At least that's the theory. I'd back everything up onto an external drive just to be on the safe side.

Good plan! I'll give it a shot *crosses fingers*

Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews about Vista!! I suppose I've got to give it a shot though. After all, Sony sent it for free!