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Motion Eye in VGN-FE41M Vista Home Premium


Motion Eye in VGN-FE41M Vista Home Premium

The Motion Eye Cam is only working with Skype.
In MSN Live Messenger its not possible to configer the cam in the messenger Setupmenue.
Also Yahoo Messenger.
Whats the problem ?



Ho joerg and welcome to Clubb Vaio.

We have had other reports of problems with the webcam is Vista and have reported this back to Sony.

We are waiting for a response.



Jeez, first the screen res keeps changing, now the cam doesn't work. Seems as if Sony shipped these laptops with Vista installed, and didn't even bother to check that everything worked. Pretty poor from a company the size of Sony.

Hi Paul,

I'm not here to defend Sony but I think you will find that all manufacturers were not given a great deal of time to obtain workable drivers following the production of the actual final release of Vista. Microsoft were obviously in a rush to release the Vista software because of the numerous delays and left bits out to achieve this deadline. This has caused problems for most manufacturers who have to obtain Vista drivers from the device suppliers.

I don't know if you are old enough to remember the XP release - that was a fiasco where nothing worked! Compared to that, Vista has been a huge success.

That said, I think those of us who have seen it all before have not updated to Vista - as far as I know only one of the Club Vaio Experts have taken this step. OK Vista is prettier and offers some great new features but none of them are essential - most people do not spend hours in the operating system, they buy PCs to run programs. It has become a case of the cart driving the horse!

However you are right. I'm sure Sony have compromised and buckled to the inevitable market pressures to release Vista PCs immediately and to fix any little problems later. I just hope they come up with fixes quickly.



Yes, I am old enough to remember the XP release. My previous laptop had XP installed at purchase and worked without issue, but that wasn't a Sony.

I've been using PCs since the days of MS-DOS 5 so have seen & used Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 98SE, ME (yuck!), Windows 2000 and XP (both Home and Pro).

The last Sony PC I owned was a VAIO C1F (the really small one) which had Windows 98. That laptop worked great, but it was probably puchased a good few months after the release of 98.

Hopefully these issues will be resolved promptly, without Sony and MS blaming eath other!

Ah Paul - you must be nearly as old as me !!!

We have reported the following issues to Sony and hope they can fix it asap:

Magic Eye Camera Driver problems.
Cannot recover from 'Sleep Mode' without a reboot (Black Screen or changed resolution)
nVidia driver problems (BSOD, probably the 'Sleep Mode' cause as well)
Problems with the Support Site and registration of new Vaios



I've found that to get the motion eye working I have to shut down and then restart the machine (a reboot doesnt work).

Not a solution, but a work-around.


Today the Vaio Update function worked (for Motion Eye Cam) - (Sony Website)
With the conclusion that Motion Eye cam is now
in Skype and Vaio Camera Capture Utility also NO MORE
What a update !



My damn motion eye does not work either. It works on the odd occasion but most of the time when I open it up all I get is the message "Another Application is using the camera" or words to that effect. Although I do not have any programs open?! This is one of many problems with my new vaio and I am not blaming them of vista, its just bloody annoying!


"Another Application is using the camera"

Same here.