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Mass Storage Control - missing driver?

Mass Storage Control - missing driver?

I have drawn a blank on this one, as seem not to be able to see the specific download.

My specific problem is Mass Storage Controller as shown in snapshot.

Device ID is not recognised by Win8 and don't seem to be able to locate the download for my VGN-AR71ZU. What I thought was correct download did not seem to do anything and now gone brain dead/blank could you point me to the correct download please and thank you. Appreciate your time and input on this. Anna:smileyconfused:

CaptureMass Storage.PNG


Hi Anna.

It is probably the Texas Instruments Memory Card Reader/Writer Driver.

The latest one for your AR is Version 2.0G which is in your Preinstalled Drivers and Utilities Tab. This is the original XP driver, so I have no idea if it will install on Windows 8

Have you installed Windows 8 32-bit or 64-bit?


Hello Blencogo, Thanks for your quick response and yes you are correct.

Checked back on my 'Win8 Upgrade Assistant' print off to find it had not been done, and which stated that there was an update Available at Texas Inc.

BUT when I checked there...they do not give you the download link (as far as the Forum said).....they supply OEM!

Phew that leaves me in a bit of a also tried compatibility troubleshoot with Vista (mine was Vista Utimate Originally) then again with Win 7 which I had on previously also. It does not run with either, which I find very strange as had no problems previous to this Win8Pro Upgrade (32bit)....sheeesh dont know now what to do.:smileysad:

Somehow I found the correct download by fluke while messing about on US Sony searches.......lost the link but managed to download and install. All working well. Thanks for your time.:smileygrin: