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Linking PS3 to AR-11M


Linking PS3 to AR-11M

i have a ps3 and a vgn-ar11m which claims to have high definition output. it occured to me that maybe i could play a blue-ray movie using my ps3 and somehow connect it to my pc to get the full hd experience. i dont know how to do this but both machines are hdmi compatible. is this possible or am i just being a cheapskate? plus will i be able to play my ps3 games using the pc moniter as well?


the screen on the AR11M cannot show full HD, you can only output full HD, therefore you can play your ps3 using the AR11M but it wont be in full HD. you can connect it via the s-video in port but u will need the relevant cables (if they are available for the ps3 :thinking: ). a lot of users do not recommend playing a console and using the laptop as a monitor as the frame rate of the vaio (or something like that) makes the game output very choppy and responds very slowly (maybe someone can confirm this).

by pc monitor i assume u mean a desktop PC's monitor and not the laptop monitor. you should be able to if your monitor has a DVI input. you can use a HDMI to DVI cable but im not sure if the connection on the back of the ps3 is a standard HDMI connector. another way is to use something called a VGA box to which u connect the ps3. the output from the VGA box then connects to your monitor via a VGA cable. not sure if u can get HD experience with this method though. hope this helps a bit