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Is it alright?


Is it alright?

Hey. Just got my VAIO N21E/W today and am happy with the results so far.

Just wondering, is it alright to have this thing on your lap? Or would it be better to have it on a solid surface? I mean, I know it's a laptop and all, but would the laptop be getting the needed ventilation if on my lap?

Thanks :slight_smile:


Hi BeauX1 and welcome to the Club.

I suppose it is OK to use on your lap but you will have to try and keep the air vents clear or you will probably end up with second-degree burns in an embarrassing place!

You have two air vents on the bottom (Front-Centre and Front-Left) and one on the side - try to keep these unobstructed. This is obviously easier on a hard surface than on your lap!

If you need to have it on your lap, I'm sure Google will find some sort of tray for this purpose.

Hope you enjoy your new Vaio



Nice, thanks for the swift response. I'm currently using it on a flat surface, I notice it's a pretty quiet system.

Loving the Vaio. Seems like a quality system.

I think that's why the computer companies call them notebooks these days instead of laptops. Some people would keep it on their laps despite the fact they were 'uncomfortably warm' and then when they discovered they were infertile they'd sue! Have you read the safety warnings you get on items these days? It's getting ridiculous but in this compensation culture we now live in you can't really blame them.

If you want to use it in bed I highly recommend one of those trays with the fold out legs. That way you can stretch you legs out while you surf. I don't however recommend dozing off while it's still over your legs just in case you have a bad dream and wake up violently. Not that has ever happened to me!

It's been proven that putting a hot laptop on your lap can lower your sperm count, alright if you don't plan to have kids, but not if you do.


Haha, how hard is it to lose sperm from a laptop? Like how much usage of it on your lap would you need in order for it to take an effect?

It would take some time