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Flashing battery LED on front of VAIO


Flashing battery LED on front of VAIO

Plugged my mains cord in, LED didn't flash which surprised me. Booted the pc, still no flashing but I did notice the power level was 76% and charging. The battery charged to 100% with no bother but why wasn't my LED flashing? I seem to recall that it flashes until the battery is charged.


Hi sunking101,

I'm not sure does the battery light only flash when your Vaio's charging whilst it is turned off..


My LED flashes when charging, whether switched on or not.


i think it flashes up to 75% then stops flashing but continues to charge. cant remember where i read this info but i know i have read somewhere.nothing to be alarmed about


i think it flashes up to 75% then stops flashing but continues to charge. cant remember where i read this info but i know i have read somewhere.nothing to be alarmed about

No, not correct. I plugged mine in today and the battery icon flashed right the way to 100%. So, it appears I have an intermittent fault.


:rose: Hello, I don't think this is a fault as mine, my hubbydubby's and our numerous other VAIO laptops, also our friends VAIO laptops all flash to 100%! Then stops! Resumes only when we have forgotten to switch our mains on and when it has used a little power from battery whilst waiting for mains power to connect! As it should! :rose:

Hope this puts your mind at rest! :slight_smile:


:rose: Hello, I don't think this is a fault as mine, my hubbydubby's and our numerous other VAIO laptops, also our friends VAIO laptops all flash to 100%! Then stops! Resumes only when we have forgotten to switch our mains on and when it has used a little power from battery whilst waiting for mains power to connect! As it should!  :rose: 

Hope this puts your mind at rest! :slight_smile:

Er yes, that's how it should act but mine doesn't!


:rose: Oh dear! [:">] "Blimp-potty Blimp Boob!" "Sorry, must have had my usual big blonde event or something or other!!" :smileyrolling_eyes: :smileyhypnotized: :kissing: :rose:


mine only flashes to 75% then stops but continues charging to 100%. it has always happened like this for me. maybe its like that for the newer models. mine is an AR11M just for the record. i guess other people should state there models and whether or not the battery LED flashes after 75%


mine only flashes to 75% then stops but continues charging to 100%. it has always happened like this for me. maybe its like that for the newer models. mine is an AR11M just for the record. i guess other people should state there models and whether or not the battery LED flashes after 75%

BX396XP. It flashes all the way to 100% but once didn't, which scared me. I'm monitoring the situation!