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AR31S problems - itunes, Nero, WMP, flash player


AR31S problems - itunes, Nero, WMP, flash player

Hi all - my laptop seems plagued with problems

Itunes did work but now wont work and evertime i try to install it fails and says there is a buffer overrun

flash player is up to date and yet although it installed, the preview movie doesnt start

wmp and nero have started playing avi without picture

aaaaargh - used to have a simple pc with xp, is it the sony tinkerings causing these problems?

answer to just one of these problems will be a great help



Apple software is not vista compatible. Look for the 'vista codec pack' which will let you watch quicktime under vista. If you want to sync an ipod, try winamp (it will sync both ways as a bonus).

Every bluescreen I have suffered under Vista (they are fast and hard) was caused by apple software.

As all your other problems seem to be video codec related, I'd kick those apple bundled application to the kerb. Look for a system restore point from *before* when you installed the apple cruft.
