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PC audio in and hifi audio out on KDL-EX723

PC audio in and hifi audio out on KDL-EX723

I've just replaced a KDL-40W2000 with a KDL-40EX723 and am confused about sound inout/output for PC and (analogue) hifi.

1)   The manual (physical) says there's a mini-jack socket for PC audio input to accompany use of the D-Sub video socket - W2000 had this at the back (and IManual implies both are at the back), EX72 has one on the side labelled audio ouput (headphone socket) and one on the back for - possibly, see later - hifi audio output.  Is the manual wrong and the EX72 doesn't have a separate PC audio in jack?

2)   I'm confused about how to output the TV sound to my Quad 44 hifi preamp.  W2000 had two phono plugs that worked independently of the TV sound.  EX72 IManual implies rear minijack (doesn't seem to work) but says to change 'headphone/audio' to 'audio', implying side jack. (and negating point of the 'TV speaker/Audio out' option elsewhere.  Using side jack works but is far from ideal as I don't always want the hifi sound but leaving the jack in means the TV speakers automatically cut out.  If this is the only analogue output what's the point of the TV Speaker/Audio out'option?

Any hints and tips gratefully received


Hi there Johday2,

Sorry, I don't have any answers for you.

Have you solved your problem with the audio out from the rear of the KDL-EX723?

I am confused about the output too. I know all my hifi hardware works fine but cannot get the TV to output audio.

Thanks for your time.



... Workaround... now using the headphone output to get audio to my stereo system. It works, but still want to  know what I'm doing wrong.

Message was edited by: AlfaMike

Message was edited by: AlfaMike

Alfa mike thats the correct way to do it, for anything else you have to use optical lead, or if you have one of them new audio devices that have ARC use HDMI one. Its all documented in the i-manual