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How do I put on the background light?

How do I put on the background light?

How do I put on the background light?

Is there a background light on my reader?



You can't...


no. there isn't...:smileyplain:

A background light - apart from being opthalmically not a great idea - doesn't work helpfully with an e-ink screen, which is the best there is at present (as on Sony, kindle, Bookeen etc,,).

But, if you use a cover, there are plenty of small clip-on lights available at very reasonable prices - I bought some for Christmas pressies "last year" and one for myself, at £5 from Debenhams. Sony used to do one too, not necessarily for readers, but reading generally, which was pretty nifty.

And, of course, Sony do lighted covers - I've got one on my 6+350, and they are the bee's knees, but rather expensive. The x50 ones  can be uneart6hed at a reasonable price now, remaindered, but the T1 is still full whack (£45 ?)

Or you could try a different font, which I found helps.

My big bug-bear is the browser screen on the T1 , I really find it hard to read comfortanbly in almost any light.


PS... I'm presuming you have a Sony ? !

Message was edited by: carpetmojo

Message was edited by: carpetmojo