Android 9 Dark Mode


Android 9 Dark Mode

So i've been reading about the new dark mode which should be in Android 9.

For some reason it's missing on the xz3. Is there a way to still turn this on? Or otherwise a way to get the sony developers to put it back in?


SONY!!! I have and still am a Sony fanboy, I own your ES Hi-Fi products from the 90s also all your game consoles  MP3 players, TVS  and Blu Ray's and always buy your phones each year. I love my XZ3 but for god sake please give me a full dark mode like One Plus can !! PLEASE 


Hi @Father_Jack!

I'm really happy to hear that you have so many of our different products and I agree with you, a full dark mode would be great to have!

I'll will of course forward your feedback internally, but keep in mind that I can't promise that this will be added!

If you haven't already enabled it in the applications that supports, I would suggest doing so. Android Messages and YouTube should have dark mode that you can turn on.

Have a nice day!


Xz Premium G8141 user here, although the screen is not OLED I would also prefer system wide dark mode, as would everyone else, please grant our wish Sony 💙


Hi @Fixargeddon!

I think it would look pretty cool even on a device without an OLED display as it would bring a nice change and if you don't like it, you could always turn it off. I enjoy having the Android Messages application with the dark mode and also YouTube!

I'll make sure to forward your feedback as well and have an awesome day! Slightly_smiling_Face


They don't care whatever users demanding in their devices, they always claim to be closest to stock android but missed the genuine potential of latest stock android,

Very very diplomatic policy 😕


Hi @-7777, sorry to hear that you feel this way. Slightly_frowning_Face

User feedback is very valuable to us and me and my colleagues that answer questions here at our Support forum is very thankful for all the feedback that we receive and we do our best to forward it.

I'm not in a position where I can click a button and add certain features to our devices, trust me, I wish that was the case! Slightly_smiling_Face


Please give us dark mode support at least if new launcher 9 can't possible for us due to any unknown illogical policy 😭😭😭 🙏🙏🙏


I wish sony add dark mode for Xperia 1 too Slightly_frowning_Face


Hi @azzido2,

"Dark mode" is available in the Xperia 1 and can be found in Settings > Display > Advanced > Device theme, however it's not a global dark mode and will mostly change the colour to black in for example, quick settings and I guess that is what you really want!

I will of course forward your feedback about this as it would be pretty awesome to have it dark everywhere, especially on devices with an OLED display and it looks really cool in Messages, Keep, Calendar and the other Google's app that recently had this added (well not Messages but Keep and Calendar is recently, as far as I can remember).

Thanks! Slightly_smiling_Face


I think dark mode is going to be very popular on all devices. Including this in Android Pie has been done not by mistake. So I'd suggest Sony to include this feature as well in the near future. I have an XZ3 Compact.