Beste forumbezoeker,
Welkom op het Sony Forum.
Inmiddels is voor de Tablet-S een OS update beschikbaar om uw Tablet van Android 3.1 naar Android 3.2 te upgraden.
Deze upgrade is te downloaden via de Sony Support website, zie:
Information about this update
- Compatibility zoom for fixed-sized apps
Android 3.2 introduces a new compatibility zoom mode that gives users a new way to view fixed-sized apps on larger devices. The new mode provides a pixel-scaled alternative to the standard UI stretching for apps that are not designed to run on larger screen sizes, such as on tablets. The new mode is accessible to users from a menu icon in the system bar, for apps that need compatibility support. - Video Unlimited support
Note:Video Unlimited is not yet available in all regions. It will be gradually released over Europe in the coming months.
Veel plezier met uw Tablet !
Sony medewerker
Message was edited by: breedBenR
(vastgepinde status verwijderd, de post is over update naar 3.2 en inmiddels is de update 4.0.2