Xperia Miro has no sound


Xperia Miro has no sound

I'm not sure if this is the correct area for phones, however it seemed the best.


I have a Sonly Xperia Miro that I use.


Recently I decided to play Temple run again on it however there was no sound. I stopped and checked all of my phone settings and all were set so that it should be playing sound.


I checked online and found that it could be that its not detecting a headphone removal properly and that the best way was to quickly pukk out and push in the jack. watching the play icon on the walkman I saw that it was detecting the removal as it was changing from play to pause.


After ruling this out I searched again and found that rooting the device can cause problems with sound. I recently have been using the Android SDKs and therefore I think my device may have been automatically rooted. I found some potential fixes for this however none worked.


After this I asked my friend who previously had an Xperia model with this problem for advice, he said to turn it off and on again a few times but there was no change. I booted up in safe mode but mo change and did a settings reset, again with no change.


When I make or recieve phone calls, the audio from this isn't affected as I can hear the other person through the earpiece.


This all is leading me to believe that it may be my phone speaker.


Does anyone have any advice or should I consider getting the speaker replaced, if possible...?



Hi queekusme,

just checking if you have been able to..


Log in to the Xperia Mobile forum yet.?


If you have been able to resolve your Miro sound problem.?

@Thalamus. wrote:

Hi queekusme,

welcome to the Sony User Community forum..:smileyhappy:


Unfortunately Sony have decided not to include Mobile phones on this forum..:smileysad:


Are all sound affected, ie ring tones, text message alerts, etc..


Having a quick look around it seem other people have had similar problems, if your phone is still within warranty then I would suggest having it checked out by a phone specialist..


Alternatively you could try asking your question in the official Sony Xperia support forum, maybe someone knows a fix, but I suspect you may get a similar reply..

Hi queekusme,

Have been doing some investigating on your behalf and as I thought in my original post one of the Xperia Team have suggested the following..


Unfortunately it does indeed sound like the speaker is broken. This is not something we recommend that you try to repair yourself. Contact your local Xperia Support for information on how to send in the phone to a service center in your region. You can find contact information on the link below.


Also I have had feedback regarding the problems you encountered when try to log-in/register on the Xperia Mobile forum..
A member of the Xperia Mobile forum management team has confirmed that they were having problems around the same time you were trying to access the forum..

It would seem that they do have a queekusme user listed as registering on the 13th July but that they have not logged in since, so if that is your account & you are still having difficulties let me know & I'll see if they can investigate further for you..:smileyhappy: