VOD and HD Video Playback


VOD and HD Video Playback

Hi, everyone. I need some advice about VOD services and HD quality playback. The XTZ has a HD display but services like Google play movies (GPM) and video unlimited (VU) do not offer a HD playback experience. I find this a little confusing. It appears that only content stored locally will playback in HD. I have added some images to show you the difference between GPM on the XTZ and Samsung Galaxy S4 (GS4).

Play Movies XTZ.png

This is from the XTZ. Notice the message displayed under the HD option. I have seen this on most, if not all, content offering HD playback Thinking_Face

Play Movies GS4.png

GPM on the GS4 :smileysmileythumbsup:

VU store offers SD content ONLY. Very strange when considering that it is a Sony branded platform. I decided to test further by purchasing the Oblivion HD rental from GPM. Download size to the XTZ came to 0.5GB whereas download size to the GS4 came to 2.6GB. XTZ playback was in SD with wide borders. There was a zoom function at the cost of widescreen viewing. Full HD view on the GS4.

I am not sure if I am missing something here but I look forward to reading about what thoughts everyone else has on this matter. Also be aware that I am still on 4.1.2. I have some reservations about updating to 4.2.2 so I will be interested in reading replies from owners who have updated to see if there is any difference with HD content from the VOD platforms.


Thanks Slightly_smiling_Face Handshake


It seems that the issue is down to how sony have set up their VOD platforms. Only the PS3 video store offers HD content. Web browsers and Sony mobile devices offer SD. I don't own a Sony smart TV so I don't know whether those get HD content too. Seeing how VU will only offer SD then it's likely that Sony won't pursue HD on GPM as they will want the revenue generated in VU.

Hi - whenever I purchase movies from Google play store the movies don't playback in high definition or download in hd. I have tried to speak to Sony and they've said it's Google's issue and Google are saying the exact opposite. In the meantime I'm left with SD format even though I paid for HD content. The movies play in HD on all my other Android devices. Anyone had the same problem.