Touch screen problem


Touch screen problem

I'm having touch screen problems. For me the tablet randomly doesn't recognize touches during the below instances. In all cases either going to the home screen and relaunching the app or turning the screen off/on will solve the problem. The problems occur several times per day but not constantly.

  • Sometimes opening apps will cause everything but the bottom android-buttons to be non-responsive. This can happen in any app it seems, including native ones such as Google Play.
  • Sometimes the lockscreen doesn't recognize touches at all.
  • While charging I've had issues getting the touchscreen to recognize, disconnecting the charger has helped.
  • Double-tap to wake seems to be very moody, sometimes working sometimes not. Sometimes it turns the screen on even by me just holding the tablet with my palm resting against the screen.

While not a bug per se, but the android-buttons seem very picky that you have to hit them right on the spot to work.


I see the problem the most with the LOCKSCREEN touches after just waking the device.  There are issues entering the pin number very regularly.


If you are rooted then there is a possible fix in the xda-developer forums ( Like with the Xperia Tablet Z it involves editing the /system/usr/idc/clearpad.idc to change the pressure sensitivity (Sony did this in the latest update to 69 by changing it from 0.1 to 0.01 which makes it a little better).


I have a similar problem since the update, with me spins ever the touch screen. either he does not respond, or respond to typed anywhere else, in on the screen.

edit, a reboot should have solved the problem ...



Im hawing same issue but i found the way to fix it for some time just restart device so its gona work for about 1- 2h.. maby more works for me atleast 


Just got my 16GB LTE on Tuesday and have been experiencing similar problems, maily when trying to drag down notification and setting tool bars from the top of the screen. I have also had the tablet become totally unresponsive while locked and the only way to get it back up and running is with power/volume up.

I am running the latest firmware (just checked with PC Companion).

I will give it a couple of days to see if the problem persists but if it does it is going back to the shop.




I thought this was a problem as it had problems registering touches every now and again. However having just added Sony's very own Style cover/stand it is MUCH MUCH worse, the tablet becomes almost unusable and can sometimes take 5-6-7-8 attempts to get it to register a touch. It has been suggested that the threshold for registering the touch is too low, and putting it on the ground/bed or having it in a case makes it worse because it affects the static electric current, this certainly seems to be the case.

I cant actually believe that a company can release something with a problems such as this, given that the entire tablet experience is based on the touchscreen, which on this tablet appears to be more of a "screen" and less of anything "touch" they also dont seem to be in any hurry to fix the problem. XDA have confirmed the issue is the threshold settings and can be fixed quickly and easily if rooted, I dont want to root as I lose my warranty and given the problems over the last week, I am thinking of returning it under warranty. Although I didnt buy it directly from Sony.

Come on Sony fix this issue, if it slightly affect battery life, then give people the option, put in a setting which allows the user to increase the touchscreen sensitivity at the cost of some battery life. JUST FIX IT.


At first the touch screen issues seemed to be better after updating the software.. but now, after a week or so, things are getting worse...

While typing I get sometimes double letters, vertically moving doesn't get recognized at times (weird thing is that while holding the screen it will move horizontal, but doesn't vertical).

Only response I get from Sony to send the tablet in, people at their helpdesk don't know anything about this issue (!).

Any news on another update that might solve this???


I noticed my tablet starts to have a higher rate of unregistered touches the longer it has been running, and after severel days of not rebooting, the missed touch rate went up to 1 out of 10 - 20. Sometimes it would even fail to register up to 3 taps in a row. Eventually I restarted the device and the touch screen seemed to have no problems at all; I tested by tapping the same spot as before, over 200 times in a row and it did not miss a single tap. Same while typing this post, the screen does not miss a single keystroke. It's as if the driver software of touch screen just starts to have "hiccups" if the tablet has been running for an extended period of time.


Hi, i have had my tablet for about 1 week, straight after starting it up i had a fw update which is 17.1.1.A.0.402 which i am assuming is the latest?

anyway i have read a lot about the new fw was supposed to fix the touch issues?

I also have the z1 which i still have and is perfect. ive recently updated to 4.4.2 on that and all my issues are fine on there.

my z2 is acting very strange, if i leave it alone for a while sometimes i will go on it and everything on the screen will be frozen, i can't tap anything, i have to press the power button and then swipe to open it again, it is then fine after that.

also i have noticed, and i think its happening a lot when my tablet is a little angled using the case, the screen will be a bit jittery, where as my z1 is really smooth, and i also sometimes have to really tap icons a few times before they register.

i play clash of clans a lot and its been a bit difficult to play as troops aren't selecting as i am tapping on them.

has anyone got any advice?

I have done a factory reset to see if that would fix any issues from the fw update but its still exactly the same.




I have also got this issue Slightly_frowning_Face

I'm really disappointed in Sony, i have had the z1 for a long time and the touch on that is perfect, i have just recently got the z2 and now i have this really annoying touch problem, the fact Sony don't seem to even acknowledge that there is even an issue makes me wonder if this is going to take a long time to fix?

i only make the statement that they don't know because i was in a live chat with Sony yesterday explaining the issue and was told i wasn't allowed to talk to anyone from their software dev team but they would pass the msg on about my issue, but she said there is no known issue they are aware of with the device.

I'm wondering what the difference is with peoples devices that are fine, why are some fine and not others?

I seem to have pin pointed my issue to when my tablet wakes up from the display timing out, it will be more or less fine up until then, after i wake it my screen becomes unusable and pretty much freezes totally, i have to then press the on/off button and turn it back on and then it seems fine again.

I am not sure if i should send it back and get a replacement, but i don't want to if the new one i get has the same issue because it won't be better until Sony release a fix.

I'm really not sure what to do, my z1 is still sitting here and i really want to sell it on, but haven't yet because i want to see if this issue gets fixed.

If it is fixed with another fw update that could take ages couldn't it?
