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Bravia Core Login Runaround


 We purchased a Sony KD65X89KU in the UK in September 2022. I set up the Bravia Core around the same time and we decided to save the generous offer of 5 free movies for the Christmas holidays.
Sadly we have not been able to sign in, this may be due to an incorrect password, which we have attempted to recover through the Bravia Core app but it doesn't recognize the temporary password sent. I have also changed our Sony account password and tried using that too without any success. The other option is to create a new account, but I need to provide a voucher code which I don't have and I cannot find the voucher code.
I contacted  support-gb@sonypicturescore.com six days ago and still no reply other than an automated message acknowledging I had sent a request for help.
I would very grateful for any or all advice that could lead to rectifying this issue.
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