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Free TV offer with O2

I recently took a mobile phone package with O2 which included a free Sony Xperia 43inch TV.

I have sent in all the relevant proof of purchase and iemi number and have been waiting since 31st August

I had text the Sony team three times to see if everything was okay and eventually was told I'd hear in three weeks. I waited four then texted again with no reply.

On Friday 30th September, received an email stating that they had a TV for me and it would be delivered Tuesday to Friday this week. That the courier service would contact me with a day to deliver. It's now 4pm on the Thursday and I still haven't heard anything. 

I emailed the promotions team again yesterday evening and again heard nothing back. 

When choosing my phone package, I was originally going for a cheaper phone but because a free TV was on offer with the Xperia 1III I choose to go for this.

I feel I am being fobbed off everytime I try to get an answer. Has anybody else taken out this package with the offer please? If so, have you actually received a free TV?

 Thanks to everyone who can advise


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