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Transfer video from DCR-HC40E to PC

A really basic question, I'm afraid - please don't laugh!  I have just unearthed a DCR-HC40E from the back of a cupboard which still seems to be in perfect working order.  I can watch tapes I recorded while aboard Gipsy Moth IV years ago on the built-in screen, but cannot for the life of me work out how to transfer their contents to my Win 10 PC. 

When I connect via USB, the PC recognises the camera and I can see 2 files listed.  One is a JPG which I remember taking about 14 years ago, the other is a MPG file only about 30KB in size and which I can play using VLC though it is less than a second long!  Obviously, the PC is 'seeing' only the camcorder's memory. 

This all seems to suggest that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the camcorder or the cable.  My real problem is in trying to understand how to get the hours of video I have recorded on cassettes onto my PC.  The guidance in the manuals is confusing me completely - for example, in one place I read 'Set USB Stream in the menu settings' but I can't find any such setting on my camcorder menus.

No doubt I'm missing something simple and/or basic.  I'd be so glad if someone could point me in the right direction.

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