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Hello everybody,

I am posting this in the "Desktop" section but I am really not sure if the problem I have got is because of the hardware or some kind of software failure e.g. a bug.

On my VAIO W1 the CTRL Key seems to be constantly switched ON. If i try to print letters the keys (some of them at least) activate different commands. When activating Word there is a warning that "Word has detected that you are holding down the ctrl key..."

The mouse is not working properly either. When I try to click some command buttons it just does not execute the command. Some other command are OK though. I tried to recover the computer to an earlier date but to no avail. Eventually I rebooted my vaio only to have the same thing goin on.

Am I wrong in thinking that this combination of problems leads to my keyboard in the sense of a mechanical filure or it could still be some bug or stuff? I did take off the plastic top of the key and the small rubber thing (with the contacts inside) seem to be OK and it moves normaly.

I would appreciate any kind of suggestion as I have no idea what it could be. Many thanks.


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