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I have the Sony Vaio AR31S for 2 day's now with Vista Home Premium. I realy want XP on it but i don't know how. I did try the F6 in the beginning of the installation of XP with the drivers from the topic to downgrade AR31M. I put them on my USB but it isn't recognizing my USB stick. I realy need XP for my study plz someone help me :(... I did read alot of topic's but found nothing.
Btw i love this great machine :)...
Hi Suberashii and welcome to the forum.
This post by costasp should be of assistance to you.
I did use this topic but it isn't recognizing my USB stick. Or do i realy need a USB flopy drive? Thnx for the fast reply btw....
Or do i realy need a USB flopy drive?
I can finaly install windows xp ... And i didn't used a (usb)floppy... I am still busy with it but it is installing... I streamed the original sata and raid drivers from the C: drive into a map with all the setup files for windows xp with "WinFuture XP-ISO-Builder"..... I am very busy with work etc etc at the moment but i will try to make a smal tutorial when i have the time for that....
Good luck to all the others with the same problem .....