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does anyone know of anyway that i can hook up my 360 to my vaio vgc-v3s i currently have connected via the red white and yello wleads but this is no good as i can only play games that have the 50hz refresh rate. plus with the vgc having such ah perfect screen it would be brilliant to use the 360 at the top end of its performance and play gears of war in all its gory glory
Hmmm... three sockets on the back?
I'm guessing here but this sounds like you have a "Windows Media Center" PC with a TV tuner card!
I don't think they had game consoles in mind when WMC PCs were invented.
The three sockets are an Anologue input/output only and are almost completely ignored by most of the standard software on your PC, unless you (mis)use Windows Media Center.
I'm not sure exactly but I have heard of "workarounds" to this problem. It involves tricking WMC into thinking it is reciveing an anologue TV signal through the sockets (as if a VCR or somthing similar was sending sound/images) however you this at your own risk... I've never done this myself...
I hope I've helped