
WinDVD 8

I'm having problems playing blu ray discs with the aacs key being an issue.

Does any one know how to roll back from to




Hi davese

welcome to club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

If you haven't tried to update the AACS key yet then try just cancelling the request..

If however you've tried to update the AACS key then a few Club VAIO members have had some success using the following solution from Sony for the AACS key problem..

First the Corel Web page must be added as a Trusted Website in the Internet Explorer software.

1.Click the Start button, and then click Internet Explorer .
2.In the Internet Explorer window, click the Tools button.
3.On the Tools menu, click Internet Options .
4.In the Internet Options window, click the Security tab.
5.On the Security tab, under Select a zone to view or change the security settings , click the Trusted sites icon, and then click the Sites button.
6.In the Trusted sites window, under Add this website to the zone , type the Web site URL address (for example http://www.sony.com ), click to clear the check from the box next to Require server verification for all sites in this zone , and then click the Add button.
NOTE: The box next to Require server verification for all sites in this zone must be clear before the Add button is clicked or an error message will appear.
7.In the Trusted sites window, click the Close button.
8.In the Internet Options window, click the OK button.

In the Internet Explorer window, click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window

Then proceed as follows:
1.Insert the Blu-ray Disc (BD) movie into the Blu-ray Disc (BD) drive.
2.Click the Start button, click All Programs , click InterVideo WinDVD , and then click InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO .
3.At the AACS Key has expired error message, click Yes.
4.On the Corel DRM system on Vista Web page, click the Next button.
5.On the Corel Account Web page, if you already have a Corel account, use your existing user name and password to continue. If you do not have an account, in the New User field, click to select Personal and then click the Submit button.
NOTE: New Users will have to enter the necessary contact information to complete the COREL Account registration and, once all required information has been provided, click the Submit button.
6.On the Patch download Web page, click the link to begin the patch download.
NOTE: The word "here " is the link.
7.In the File Download window, click the Save button, and save the file to the Desktop .
8.In the WinDVD BD for VAIO window, click the X in the upper-right corner to close the window.
9.On the Desktop , double-click the just downloaded WinDVD .exe file.
10.In the Do you want to run this software prompt, click the Run button.
11.At the Update Module Setup prompt, click the OK button.
12.Restart the computer
13.Click the Start button, click All Programs , click InterVideo WinDVD , and then click InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO .
14.At the AACS Key has expired error message, click Yes .
15.On the Corel DRM system on Vista Web page, click the Next button.
16.On the Corel Account Web page, use your user name and password to continue.
17.At the AACS key update is now finished prompt, click the OK button.

This should solve the issue. Thank you.


Hi Dave,
Not sure if all of that fixed your issue but I had the same problem with the newest update from Sony for WinDVD 8 and mine would only download once I had signed up for an account and ran the windvd as administrator under vista (I am guessing you are using Vista)
Then when it said ACC keys out of date I pressed update / Yes and it went and downloaded within about 2 sec's prior to that I had left for 20 mins plus to no avail.

Hope that helps anyway.


I'm having problems playing blu ray discs with the aacs key being an issue.

Does any one know how to roll back from to




Interesting, thanks for the info Phil.. :slight_smile:


Thanks Phil.

I had given up trying to update the AACS keys after repeated attempts all ended with the download screen stuck on-screen doing nothing.

After all that it just seems to be another Vista UAC problem.

I have just updated the Keys in thirty seconds by going into C:\Program Files\InterVideo\DVDBD8 and right clicking on WinDVD.EXE and WinDVDFs.EXE -> Properties -> Compatability Tab -> Run this program as an Administrator. Open WinDVD and put a BD Disc in the drive. It advises AACS Keys are out of date. Click on Yes to update. Sign into a Corel account and it downloads instantly.

New Method: -

1.Click the Start button, click All Programs , click InterVideo WinDVD , and then right-click on InterVideo WinDVD BD for VAIO and choose 'Run as Administrator'.
2.Insert the Blu-ray Disc (BD) movie into the Blu-ray Disc (BD) drive.
3.At the AACS Key has expired error message, click Yes.
4.On the Corel Account Web page, if you already have a Corel account, use your existing user name and password to continue. If you do not have an account, in the New User field, click to select Personal and then click the Submit button.
NOTE: New Users will have to enter the necessary contact information to complete the COREL Account registration and, once all required information has been provided, click the Submit button.
6.The Patch download Web page will appear.
7.At the AACS key update is now finished prompt, click the OK button.
8.Close the Corel webpage.



Sony's level 2 support is aware of the inability for AACS files to update from Corel's website issue and they admit it is a problem with WinDVD 8 and said I could pay for WinDVD 9 because that might fix the problem. It costs $70 to upgrade. I have been on the phone with them every other week for 2 months and there does not appear that there will be a solution provided by Sony because nothing has changed. If they wanted to fix the problem they could find a way to provide users with an upgrade to WinDVD9. I bought my VGN-AR825e because I could play Blu-Ray disks with Dolby 5.1 surround. It was supposed to work. Why do I need to pay to fix it? I am waiting for a phone call from Sony support in San Diego. Possibly they will find a way to deal with this. I've updated the patch from Corel's website and have the latest software and firmware from Sony. It still will not work and it won't until Sony fixes it or I buy software that works


It still will not work and it won't until Sony fixes it 

Hi Nick,

what does not work. :thinking:

Did you follow the solution posted on the USA e-support page HERE .. :thinking:


I have the VGX XL202 using XP. I don't get a message saying my AACS has expired , I just get a 'red' page telling me to contact my s/w supplier for an up-date. Every solution given to me by Support does nothing, I always end up with the 'red' page message. One of the solutions asks that I right click to get the message but if I do this (or anything) it always starts the WIN DVD BD s/w and then back to the red page again !

Is the only solution to forget Sony and Corel and load an independant BD s/w which would mean the XL202 is 'not fit for purpose' as playing BD was the prime mover in my decision. I've the machine a couple of years and never been happy with the BD since AACS keys became an issue, Sony did solve the problem once but there was a sound/video sync problem. I tried to solve this by reloading the BD s/w but that was what messed me up.

Anybody have a similar problem !



Hi Campbell,

I have replied to your other question here: -


I think you are probably running an out of date version of WinDVD.  A new version is available dated Jun 2010.
