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Wifi problem on VGN-SZ3XP / Problème Wifi sur VGN-SZ3XP


Wifi problem on VGN-SZ3XP / Problème Wifi sur VGN-SZ3XP

Hi everybody,

I got a VAIO VGN-SZ3XP few days ago and I’ve got a problem with my WLAN systems (Wifi) which turns inopportune off.

More deeply, when I’m using my Wifi system (WLAN activated), sometimes the WLAN light switch off (not for the Bluetooth) and I can’t use my wireless network.

- I’ve tried to use the Intel Wireless utility (Intel PROSet/Wireless) but I cannot reactivated the wifi function by this way (the function is inoperative)
- I’ve tried to use the hardware switch (Wireless On / Off) in different modes, nothing happens and the WLAN light still remains off.

The only solution I find is to reboot my computer for reactivate the WLAN function.

Do you think it could be a software problem or is it a hardware known dysfunction of my Intel WLAN card ? This problem is totally unpredictable. Sometimes I can use my wifi network for 15 minutes and sometimes for several hours before the WLAN card switching automatically off.

Thanks for your answer


Bonjour à tous,

Je viens d'acquérir un VAIO VGN-SZ3XP et j'ai un problème de désactivation intempestif de mon système Wifi:

Il arrive que lorsque mon système wifi est en cours d'utilisation (et donc activé), ce dernier se coupe brutalement. Le voyant WLAN s'éteint.

- J'ai essayé de passer par le l'utilitaire de configuration d'Intel (Intel PROSet/Wireless) mais la fonction "Activer Sans fil \ Désactiver Sans fil" semble inopérante (la fonction wifi ne se réactive pas).
- J'ai également essayé au niveau du commutateur matériel situé au dessus du clavier "Wireless On / Off", mais j'ai beau repasser dans les différents modes, le système Wifi ne redémarre pas non plus. Le voyant WLAN reste désespérément éteint et toute connexion Wifi par la même impossible.

L'unique solution est de redémarrer le portable pour que la fonction WLAN soit de nouveau active.

Est-ce un problème logiciel ou s’agit-il d’un problème matériel sur la carte wireless d’Intel ? Je possède le PC depuis à peine un mois. Il est a noter que ce problème intervient de façon très aléatoire.

Merci d’avance



Somebody has any idea about my problem ?



Up !


Maybe a update can help you to solve this problem update or try to reinstal the drivers of your wlan by uninstall the drivers and reboot the pc (my computer/properties/hardware device manager/network adaptors Intel(r)PRO/wireless.....). :slight_smile:



I have the same computer (SZ3VP), also the french version, and I also have Wifi problems.

Fortunately, mine is not as severe as yours: my wifi connection is stable OK.

However, my wifi connection is SUPER slow. Actually, it is not the connection itself (I have Excellent signal, 54 mbps), but the time it takes to connect to a website. Once the site is found, the download is quick. On average, it takes 2 seconds to find a site (it takes less than 1/2 second on all other laptops I tried).

I made a ton of tests to try to find the origin of the problem:
- tested several other computers at the exact same spot
- reinstalled all drivers
- removed the Intel software suite and kept only the driver to use the Windows wifi management thingy
- disabled anti virus software and other possible interference source
- used an ethernet cable instead of wifi to check my computer overall internet speed.

Really don't know what to do. As I spend most of my day working with remote applications, this is really a major problem for me.

Tips and ideas welcome !