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Is there a way to get FZ21M's original utilities other than Recovery Discs?
I cannot make the recovery discs, it gives me an error:
(attached picture-> ).
I can reinstall the system by restoring the C: drive to factory defaults, and try to make the CDs with the fresh OS install, but is there any link to those utilities? On the model's page, they aren't posted (only original drivers + some updates which i have already installed):
I want to replace the operating system with Vista Ultimate and i know i need those apps for proper fuctioning.
Thank you!
We share the same boat, man... got news?
Btw can you link me (or explain) how to get the utilities from the recovery DVDs? I can't see them browsing the discs...
Hi pig30n,
Have you installed the VAIO Recovery Center Patch
This claims to address the following issues:
- Computer or display may go in sleep mode while creating recovery discs.
- VAIO Recovery Center fails to burn recovery discs when the user's Windows login name contains non-English characters.
This may not be the problem but it is worth a try in the first instance.
Yes i had installed that patch.
The vaio recovery center uses some dlls from MS Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Library.
Maybe it's because i had installed Visual Studio 2008 Professional, and by default it replaces Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Libraries with VS C++ 2008 Runtime libraries, but as far as i know Microsoft claims they are completly compatible :smileyhappy:.
Anyway ... i hope somebody from Sony staff post those utilities on the model's page.
Until then ... printf("Let's pray and hope ");
Best Regards,
I have exactly the same problem, I really want to make the recovery discs, but it won't let me. I've downloaded all the updates, just in case
I get a slighty different error however Click here
If anybody could help me I'd really appreciate it.
Hi pig30n,
Try to install MS Visual C++ 2005 Runtime Library from here...
It didn't work either.
Besides, that download is only intended for Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 98; Windows 98 Second Edition; Windows ME; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Service Pack 2
There's also a SP1 for that
and 2008 edition:
I decompiled the whole Vaio Recovery Center application, and i can tell you precisely where it crashes:
75DEB091 add esp,0Ch
75DEB094 lea eax,[ebp-50h]
75DEB097 push eax
75DEB098 call dword ptr ds:[75DD15DCh]
75DEB09E leave <<- exactly here
It throws the exception:
Unhandled exception at 0x75deb09e in Launcher.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: MediaWriterException at memory location 0x0012f630
Hope this helps.
We share the same boat, man... got news?
Btw can you link me (or explain) how to get the utilities from the recovery DVDs? I can't see them browsing the discs...
Problem solved ! :smileygrin:
Now i hope this will be the next patch to the recovery center application.
The problem was that i had Daemon Tools installed. Once you install this app it creates a virtual drive (fake cd/dvd drive) and you use is to mount cd/dvd images, like a normal disk drive but for cd/dvd images located on your hard drive. So i have 2 disk drives, one the MATSHITA BluRay drive and this fake drive from Daemon Tools.
The problem is that Recovery Center App misses the MATSHITA BluRay drive and picks the fake Dameon Tools drive to write the Recovery Disks ... which obviously will fail because its a fake drive. That's why the exception is called "MediaWriterException".
Anyway, to solve the problem go in Device Manager->DVD/CD-ROM devices and disable the virtual Daemon Tools drive (should have a strange name with Xs and Ys ..), like here on my computer:
After that you can succesfuly create the disks (like i did).
Remember to re-enable the virtual drive in the device manager, or you won't be able to use Daemon Tools.
I think this problem will happen with every virtual drive software (not only Daemon Tools).
To install the utilities/drivers, you can insert the 1st disk and press ok on the autorun dialog to start installing the utilities (a setup dialog will appear).
I don't know if those disks will work with another version of Windows Vista, like Business or Ultimate. I mean does this application will run on Vista not shipped by Sony, but a genuine version shipped by Microsoft. Can anybody confirm this?
Unfortunatly that isn't the same problem that I'm experiencing... anybody have any ideas? 😞