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Hi guys does anybody know how to upgrade the driver for the graphics card on a vgc-v2m, I'v downloaded nVidia Forceware Driver 98.11 but it still hasent made my screen appear widescreen, instead normal. Can any one tell me how to sort this problem out?
Hi Jassi,
I'm not quite sure what is wrong - can you explain a bit more?
Have you set the screen resolution to 1280x768?
Hi, right I'v installed vista and the only display resolution I can max out at is: 1024 x 786. I'v tried to install the Nvida nVidia Forceware Driver 98.11 but the setup launchs and then doesnt regonise any nVidia hardware? I'v tried clicking the file dpinst (once you extract the 98.11 file). It installs somthing but doesnt seem to help.
I tried clicking setup.exe file for the driver and that launchs the nVidia background and trys to install but says: could not find compatible drivers. :S
My screen basicly doesnt display as wide screen as a v2m is supposed to but only at a normal 1024 x 786.
I hope that is more understandable.
I don't know why it's not working in widescreen but I do know why you can't install the Forceware drivers!
The Forceware installer doesn't support mobile versions of NVIDIA chipsets. All they've done is take the entries out of the .INF file for the mobile chipsets. If you go to LaptopVideo2Go you can download the latest drivers and a .INF file with the entries put back in. I found the site a bit confusing at first but once you work out what's going on it's kind of logical.
Yup Iv been on the website my driver for the screen is set by microsoft yet, I'v downloaded 88.11 driver and the INF file placed the INF file inside the extracted files, clicked the install, which now works, but still has no change to my screen, even after a reboot.
If anyones got the same machine can they guide me in the steps i need to take. Also when i installed vista I clicked allow vista to check for latest updates, could that have had a effect on the drivers for the screen?