VAIO Windows 8 Drivers?

VAIO Windows 8 Drivers?

Hi, so I just got windows 8, and I can't find any matching graphic drivers for my laptop. It is a VAIO VPCEB4L1E(2nd gen i3, shared graphics 4gb ram etc.etc.). I couldn't find any on the sony website. Anyone got any ideas?


I have the same problem , i installed windows 8 and there is no options from 'sony vaio ' , i cant use wifi , bluetooth , e.t.c i cant find and i cant install the sony vaio smart connect , nothing!

Hi Alejandro-Sony- and welcome.

Have you tried installing the Windows 7 drivers for these devices?

If you give us your Vaio model, someone will post a link to the Windows 7 drivers.

Until we know exactly what support will be available for each Vaio, it will be a time of uncertainty for us all.  However, it is best to find the essential Vaio specific drivers before installing Windows 8.

Thanks for you answer , my model is SVE1511D1EW

the system before was windows 7 home premiun 64bit

I didnt try to install windows 7 drivers for all of it , i have tried only the sony vaio smart connect

and didnt work .....

i am patient ,  i can wait the support that will be available for each vaio , but i wanna to be solved ,

because i understand , and i hope to be wrong , that there is many problems on the system by win8!

Hi Alejandro-Sony-

The link to the drivers for your model you should be able to find here:

Kind Regards,


Forum moderator

Hi JamieYates14,

welcome to Questions & Answers..:smileyhappy:

the following is taken from the Sony windows 8 FAQ's

Sony is currently performing a validation of selected Windows 7 VAIO models to determine whether all BIOS, drivers, utilities and other VAIO applications from Sony can be fully supported for upgrade to the Windows 8 Operating System..

Depending on the outcome of the testing and validation phase for each model, Sony will issue a list of supported models as well as any known restrictions, limitations and necessary software updates..

I'm in the same situation, on my VGN-Z3.  I have installed Win8 and having major trouble with the WWAN in particular.  I have reinstalled all drivers I can find for both Vista or Win7 but Smart Network and the connection software (Gobi) do not work properly - consistently giving 'no device found' although it has worked perfectly before the upgrade.

any advice would be appreciated

thanks for the response.  I appreciate I have probably upgraded too early for my own good, although mostly enjoy the W8 experience so will hold off downgrading unless I have to.

In the meantime, can you confirm what the actual hardware information is for the WWAN device in the VGN-Z3? I would be interested to know what it should display in 'Device Manager' - presumably as a modem?.  It is not picked up automatically by W8 but i am able to manually add a Gobi 3g modem, however even once added and apparently 'working correctly', i am unable to query the modem using dianostics and of Gobi connect is still showing 'no device found'

Hi simnorri and welcome.

The only practical advice I can give is to recover your system back to Windows 7 until Sony release support in the way of drivers and utilities for existing Vaios.  It will be very difficult to have a fully working system until this happens.

Check on the Sony Windows 8 FAQ page to see if your model will be supported.  You will find a link in this sticky thread: -

*Sony Windows 8 FAQ's*


Message was edited by: Thalamus.

Corrected removed sticky link

I've the same problem like the other customers. I have Sony Vaio VPCEB4S1E-BQ notebook. I checked for the support for drivers but all i found was win7 and vista drivers. There is no win8 driver list. Please help me. Maybe you can write me a link for this.