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Vaio VGN-FE31M Noise


Vaio VGN-FE31M Noise

Hi ppl!

I believe the graphics card produces noise depending on the load I put on it. It is very little audible in windows, but very intense on demanding 2D/3D operations. It should not be the CPU as in SuperPi it is as audible as it is in windows alone. The hard disk is not to blame as it is hardly more audible when loading windows or other large pieces of software. The noise is like a high pitch buzz with occasional beeps while the graphics card is on load. This noise is similar to the one you will possibly hear if you turn the speakers to the max while attached to a builtin card of a motherboard, kind of like static noise. I tried to lower the volume of the laptop speakers or mute them but the noise is there. In fact, if I use headphones, I can't listen to the noise through the sound card at all! So it must be hardware emmited which alarms me more. It may even be connected artifacts I have observed on the screen for a frame or two while gaming. Should I return the laptop to the retailer? How am I going to convince him on the problem, because I believe that they will not admit they listent to anything. The e-support just doesn't care to even contact me with an automated message!

Apart from that the laptop is what I expected it to be :slight_smile:

Any ideas?


I didn't know that the graphics card produce audible noise.
I haven't got a clue here.

Should I return the laptop to the retailer? How am I going to convince him on the problem, because I believe that they will not admit they listent to anything.

If you have bought it from PC World there is 99% chance for they won't even listen to you.

Wait for the expert


i've the same problem with the annoying hig pitch sound. Did you got any solution?


Hi, I have exactly the same problem with my FE31M, the noise appears when resizing a window, for example, and stops when the resizing is finished. For graphic-intensive applications, the noise is louder and constant.

I found no other reference about the problem but this post.


the annoying high pitch sound stays with me. Scrolling, resizing...
And SONY SAT says that's a normal noise!!!
Somebody with better news?

PD: Sorry for my english 😞

I have escalated this with Sony


im having same proble and e-support is telling me stupid solutions like restarting computer reinstall windows and drivers !! and i did all that !! but problem is still there !!
the noise is really annoying !! vaio is disapointing ! 😞

Hi danishamin,

Welcome to Club Vaio. :slight_smile:

As far as I'm aware we are still waiting for a solution to this problem.. :slight_frown:

Second time lucky?


First: sorry for my english 🙂

I have exactly the same problem with my FE41Z. If i run games, the annoying sound is really disturbing. in windows, it's not very badly. I have reportet this to sony hotline, and they said that my book must be examined in a sony workshop. but there is no guarantee if this problem is fixed when my book returns to me. what shall i do?

Anybody have some news about this problem? is there maybe a bios update in future to fix this?

i'm very disappointed 😞