Ticking noise on new A115Z


Ticking noise on new A115Z

A friend of me and I just bought a Vaio A115Z.CEK
Everything works perfect, only there is a strange ticking noise coming out of the laptop..
It seems to me that the noise with my notebook is worse than with my friend.
Does anybody know what the noise causes? I think the noise comes from the left side of the notebook, the section where the PRO-memorystick and PCMIA slot are located..
It is just like he tries to find something, but I don't know how to describe it more precisely..


Apparently it's normal with this series and the noise is some sort of mechanical internal thing.


k, thx
Is it also normal that the noise is a little more and a little louder with me than with my friend? It'sthe same model..


No it should be the same.


if you have a hitachi hard drive it's normal. it's some sort of calibration noise.


This is exactly the issue I¿m having with my new A115Z. It¿s not really a HUGE problem, but a minor annoyance.

Every so often, the laptop emits a sliding clicking noise, followed by a little beeping noise. It¿s coming from what seems to be the lower left corner of the base unit. Just to the left of the touch pad, under the keyboard, I guess. It sounds like a hard drive, DVD Drive, or some similar device initialising.

However, The main issue is that it doesn¿t just happen once, it continues to keep making the noise. Sometimes it chirps away several times a minute. Sometimes it¿ll go for half an hour or so without making a noise. The regularity of it¿s clicking and beeping seems to have no bearing on what I¿m actually doing. It¿ll sometimes do it loads while sitting idle, and then keep quiet while I¿m working. And vice versa.

For the record, my hard disk is an IDE HITACHI (HITACHI_DK23FA-60), 60GB (partitioned into two 27.9GB drives plus a third Sony recovery partition, I think? ), running version 5.1.2535.0 drivers, and in the ¿Policies¿ tab of the drive¿s ¿Properties¿, the ¿Optimise for performance¿ option is ticked and ¿Enable write caching on the disk¿ is ticked.

Well, it¿s not a huge problem, but it is a noticeable annoyance. It¿s rather like trying to work with a Furby sitting next to you. Apart from this, I¿m loving my new VAIO!