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Hi all, my desktop is about 2.5 yrs old. Virtually from new I've had a problem where the sound goes till I re-boot. I've checked the usual suspects and all settings are correct, with no issues in Device Manager. It's an intermittent problem. My friend has a Vaio notebook and get's exactly the same from time to time, so I wondered if this was an issue with Sony kit and if anyone else had experienced the same problem and had a solution ?
If I re-boot, on log off the XP system sound plays, on boot up, it plays, and all media sounds/page clicking etc etc are all audible. It may go all day fine, or like today, within 1/2 hour all sounds disappear. It will stay like this now till I re-boot.
Anyone any ideas as to whats causing this, and have a solution ?
Cheers in advance, Mike
Hi Mike
I've got an RZ504 which is also 2.5 years and also has the same sound problem you refer to.
The problem only arose last year and the sound seemed to go whenever I was using Media Player.
Like you I have found no solution to this annoying problem and, because the problem is intermittent, whenever I have tried a fix it appeared to work but soon come back.
For my latest attempt at a fix I deleted the sound driver and reinstalled it. No problems so far but it's difficult to tell because the machine may well be going through one of its intermittent good spells at the moment.
Hopefully someone will be along with an answer soon.
I think it was caused by a change to WMP. I'm sure I read somewhere that disabling Automatic Updates worked for some people.
Ah, not tried that one yet.
I've the same problem here for my RZ-504. I noticed that the problem mostly occured when using multiple programs at a time which al use your sound device.
When I use for example Pinnacle Studio 10 Plus (video editing) and windows media player at the same time, my music always stops after some time.
When i shut down my pc i can hear the 'windows-shut-down-sound'.
Anyone a solution?
I also noticed that it only happens (at my pc) when running under Windows XP SP2. After a format and not yet running SP2 there seems to be no problem at all.