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Sound echoing with games and DiVX VGC-RC204


Sound echoing with games and DiVX VGC-RC204

Hello all,

finally after a fight with DHL I got my machine back from support where it went for repair after using it only 3 times (hard drive crash). This being said, Sony support did the job all right and the baby came back with 2 brand new more recent SATA drives. I'll add 2 and mount it RAID 5 via Intel storage manager.

So far, so good, but the issue I noticed before crashing the pC is still there: when playing stereo games or playing divX, the sound gets weird, echoing, hashed, not sustainable at all. Maybe a sampling issue, I do not know, but I tried anything I could and did not manage to get it back to what it should sound like...

Anybody has any clue where this might come from ? Thx because originally I thought this was a multimedia system, but now I am afraid it is monomedia and I should send it back to Sony and claim my money back ? -)


Thierry :smileythinking:


As nobody is answering that one, I'll do it myself :laughing:

Downloaded the latest drivers for DivX and mpeg4, obviously that fixed the issue with all my multimedia apps.

Did not try it with games yet, but maybe the sound encoding of the game PREY was using the same codecs as divX files, hopefully it will be solved that one as well...

BTW, if anybody is interested, I did upgrade to RAID0 with Intel storage manager, it was quite straaightforward and I could run other apps in //, no crash nor need to reinstall anything.

I sould receive 2 add'l HD this week (total 4x300 Gb SATA), will upgrade to RAID 5 then remove the backup partition since safe enough with that, I'll let you know the outcome if anybody is interested.

