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Hi there i got the Sony Vaio FE31M with Windows Vista on but x86 and i would like to install the x64 but i can't find the drivers for them can please someone help me??? thanks a lot
Why do you want to have the x64???
The X86 is also usable AND there are a lot of drivers.
I tried also in Linux there are a lot of plugins for firefox missing if you install x64
There is no specific reason why i want to install just a thought.why not to take the advantage of having x64 processor by using an x64 software?this is what i am thinking!!
I thought so too, but the x64 systems are not well as X86 systems supportet, and so I decided to use x86 It is better because of the support.
For drivers see -> vaio support page
I gave a try but there are no drivers there so thats why i post here if someone had any ideas!!i ll try to find something from e-support otherwise i don't know!!!thanks anyway