Share your experience!
I bought VAIO VGN-S3XPs for my wife and I, and while I originally liked the look, feel, and software bundle on the machines, I have come to regret the purchase because of poor repairs on the part of SONY Europe. As of this writing, both machines have been in for servicing for a variety of problems (non-functioning DVD and memory stick readers, excessive fan noise, etc.) and now again look to be going back, because of crappy speakers and ongoing loud fans despite replacing the motherboard on my machine. Has anyone else had this poor an experience with SONY repair? Drivers don't seem to fix the speaker issue, and as 20 year user of laptops, desktops, and all sorts of SONY kit, I find this very disturbing as it seems to be ongoing. Thoughts? Solutions? Vents?
THanks all -
Jeff Wasel
Hi Jeff and welcome to Club VAIO
Sounds terrible - but you're not alone, a few friends of mine have had their LCDs replaced to have them die 2 years later on, and Zina (a forum member) had to send her VAIO back 4 times at least.
It's not good, it's not good for morale or for their reputation and more needs to be done about sourcing good parts.