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Refresher rates for Flat Screen Monitors


Refresher rates for Flat Screen Monitors

I recently brought a Sony Desktop Vaio and a flat screen monitor. Its default setting is 60mhz for refresher rate as per WIndows XP default. Can I adjust this to higher level or could this haerm the monitor?

Thanks for any help

Amer Khalil


TFt screens don't need a high refresh rate since the image lasts longer on the screen.
Likewise, TFT screens are slightly inferiour to CRT for gaming as the moving image can blur a little.

I use the SDM-S71R screen (17 inch) which runs at a standard of 60hz refresh. I did not need to install any software, although a driver disk was supplied.

Trying to run the resolution at different setting will give difficulties with reading text. These screens prefer to run at their default settigns.

If you have problems with flicker or blurring, you can adjust this. There is a section on this in the screen manual. If you use the utility disk, there are specific test screens which allow you to optimise the vertical and horizontal settings.

If you have not got a utility disk, pre MENU on the screen, then the DOWN arrow until you see the RESET option. Select this and the screen will return to default settings.


Just to add fuel to the fire!

My elderly (P3 450) desktop has a totally flat screen 17" CRT monitor thats why I queried the original post.



Hi Guys

I have a Sony SDM-N80 which is an 18.1" lcd and its about 2 years old , its a fantastic screen , cost a small fortune but its great ,

the refresh rate is set at 60 although Sony first advertised it at 60 - 80 for some bixzzare reason,

Anyway its runs just perfect at 60 ,


I don't really notice the difference between refresh rates.