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Hi everyone,
I have an VGC-RA104 and I want to increase the RAM from 1GB to 2GB, can anyone tell me how to tell me where I can purchase the correct RAM to fit my machine. Is there a specific type or make that Sony use. I would contact the support team at Sony but you guys seem to know more than them and come back much quicker. Thanks for any help you may be able to supply.
Hi everyone,
I have an VGC-RA104 and I want to increase the RAM from 1GB to 2GB, can anyone tell me how to tell me where I can purchase the correct RAM to fit my machine. Is there a specific type or make that Sony use. I would contact the support team at Sony but you guys seem to know more than them and come back much quicker. Thanks for any help you may be able to supply.
Thanks danreed had a look at that link, but my Sony Desktop was not listed.
Thalmus, that site was great, it listed compatible RAM and the price is quite good. I think I can solve my problem now.
Many thanks for all your help.
You're welcome Lancer..
It would have helped if I had put the link in for Sony's guide on how to replace or upgrade your Vaio's memory ... :smileyblush:
No worries, have got the link now, should be no real problem. Thanks for all your help. By the way, do you know if I can put more than 2048 ram in, have got two spare slots so could put in additional two RAM kit, but I think the RA104 may be limited to 2048 (4x 512 kit).
If you can be of further help would be very grateful.
Thanks for putting the link in, should now be no problem.
By the way, do you know how much additional RAM I can put in. I have two 512 units already, plus two spare slots. Can I put in two additional 1 GB units or is it as I expect the RA104 is limited to 2048 (4 x 512 units). Any thoughts or advice on this would be appreciated.
Hi Lancer.
It is as you expected - 2048 MB is the maximum memory your RA104 can handle.
Hi, Blenco & Thalamus,
Thanks for responding and helping me on this matter. As I thought, it was much easier and more productive talking to you guys on the forum than contacting vaio support.
Once again thanks, will chat again soon.
You're welcome lancer, glad we could help..