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Problems with Wireless Lan

Problems with Wireless Lan

Hello again,

I Think I've got problems with my wireless lan connection. I will try to explain the problem.

I can make a connection to any wireless-lan spot. After a few minutes the connection is not stable anymore. I can not use the wireless lan function. Does anyone else know these problems?

My type = Vaio VGN-FS215Z


have you used the wireless lan starter in you start menu? thats normally a good way of setting up etc... other than that i'm a bit lost with all that stuff. i had a few troubles setting mie up, but i think i blagged my way through it more than anything. hope you get it sorted soon. loads of people in here will offer more advice than i can. its a great forum.

I tried it with the wireless lan startere... but that doesnt work eighter..

Anyone else maybe some ideas?


I had a lot of problems with mine at the start, it would drop out, or just freeze. I was advised to turn off the auto power on the wireless and set it to full. No problems since. ( trouble is I've forgotten how to do it).:smileyblush:


Try turnin the wirles base station off or re start ur computer i often get problems trying to get the network address and this often works.


or you could create a wep key whih makes the network safe to conect to this sounds the best idea

Try it on different channels too


Do you actually get any choices regarding WEP and channel when you join a wireless hotspot?

Its OK in your home network to choose channels and WEP but they are done on your Wireless access point.

On your laptop, for hotspots all I believe all you can do is make sure (in device manager) that for your wireless card power saving is off, and it is in CAM mode. If it is "b" and "g" you may gain a little by changing to "g" only if thats what the hotspot is.


Make sure the router has your laptop's MAC Address stored correctly on your router page, find best channels for wireless to router. Make sure the name of your network on the wireless matches the the network name in your router configuration. ENABLE SSID broadcasting, ENABLE WEP encryption and setup user and password settings for better security.

Good luck