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When I exit the Roxio Digital Media suite that came with my FE21H, I receive 2 error messages.
Does anyone know why they are appearing and how I get rid of them?
Hi Chris,
If you have installed WMP11 this is probably the culprit. You could try rolling back to your previous version or try this fix - PX Engine update .
Hi djwoody
Have you recently upgraded to Windows media Player 11..?
Yes i've just updated to WMP11.
I'll try that fix and if that doesnt work then i'll roll it back to v10.
You’re welcome
Let us know how you get on…
Lol so I am not alone ! I have the same message displayed when I exit roxio (just aswell as installed wmp11 but since I love it I am not about to uninstall ;). Strange is that a program itself works fine (I mean burning medias). BTW I get some strange messages when quitting for example IE7 when displayed some PDF file.. Well I am not sure, that adobe updater was behaving very strange, from some unknown reason I was asked to restart my laptop once, and then again
Is it just me or WMP11 a real pain, Unfortnatly alot more error messages may show up due to the fact of WMP11 is technically designed for VISTA but MS decided to make it available to XP, therefore it has the same principle's as VISTA & letting other software take control of handling Certain file type's. I find installing a Large Codec pack solves most common issues with error messages as they control the file type but then let the App you choose run it
I Think someone should invent a super CODEC one Codec plays all, There would be millions to be had :smileygrin:
A yes and just to say ... that fix didnt help in my case. (btw only, no reply required) ... I really like wmp 11's interface and when compared to any other available player it has no concurence (yeah, theskinsfactory for the win but anyway ). Maybe MS will release some fix for that problem earlier or later :smileythinking:
Is it just me or WMP11 a real pain
Anything past WMP 9 is a pain as far as I am concerned :smileygrin: