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Problem with Cick to DVD


Problem with Cick to DVD

Emailed this problem to support@vaio-link but no response. Can anyone help?
Click to DVD is installed on my desktop computer and previously worked fine.

Now when I open the program, I get a message "Another application is already using the video hardware overlay. If there is no open application playing back video, the display settings may be incorrect. The desktop resolution or monitor refresh rate may be set too high."

No other application is running and there is nothing wrong with the settings so the message is not understood - Anyway the program loads, despite this message, and allows the selection of a recorded-from-tv file (located in D:\Vaio Entertainment) to be edited and title added for transfer to DVD disc.

On creating a DVD, the first part is the converting of data and audio - this goes okay. However, when (at about 50% on the progress bar) it starts to transfer data to the disc, a message appears "Cannot write to disc because of an error."

No further explanation and no option but to press "Okay" which abandons the operation.

Can you explain and resolve this situation please?

I can open the same tv mpg files in DVDgate Plus and edit there but that has no option to add titles. Also the files are not accepted by Nero to make a video DVD. Nero will take the file for a data DVD but this will play as a video on some equipment, but not on other.

Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks - Gerry


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