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I just got an A117S - very nice indeed. Very quite etc. I like the way the fan speed goes up and down with processor load.
I noticed the power/battery meter is always showing "charging" even though the battery MUST be charged by now. Is this normal or just a "feature" of Sony's version of XP?
This has been brought up before
Yes this is totally normal. Most Vaios do this
Nice laptop by the way
OK thanks. I'm reassured by that.Yes, it is a nice laptop. I researched quite a few models - Dell Precision, HP something-or-other, and IBM thinkpads. The Vaio is, well, a Sony and I've never bought a bad Sony product yet. I can't get ovet just how good the screen is but, as I said in another post, I just wish they had put a less "laptoppy" keyboard on it. It's my only gripe.
I thought the keyboard is one of the best things about it Nice and quiet and smooth great for typing on and you don't wake people up tapping away in the middle of the night lol. The Dell keyboard I have is awful.
well i like thinkpads as well...they've got that sort of retro style to them and theyre solid..
dell, hp? not the same thing..a different brand of laptops..those for the more practical consumers..
I was really impressed with my K series keyboard..i actually found it close to my desktop keyboard with respect its ergonomics
My keyboard is quite noisy compared to the unit LOL
Yep, the A series is good...
Saw it again yesterday
I'm very pleased with the way this keyboard works on my A17s model, can't see what your unsatisfied with..